Unleash your authentic voice and become the singer of your dreams

Vocal mentorship that helps you sing with clarity, fortifies your confidence, and prepares you for your greatest performance yet.

Whether it’s been days, months, or years since you last performed…

Your soul longs for vocal expression.

Your inner voice

Your inner voice

But something is holding you back. Maybe there are gaps in your knowledge or emotional blocks you can’t figure out. Maybe the last time you sang, your throat tightened, your body clenched up and the vision you had for your performance vanished in front of the crowd.

…and yet, despite it all, your inner voice is still willing you to explore your sense of personal artistry through vocal music.

Take a deep breath in and relax. It can be different this time around.

Most vocal programs and voice coaches focus on technique only — with little insight into the performing world.

Tell me if you’ve ever:

  • Tried reworking your sound and style but never found a voice that resonates with your soul.

  • Felt physically or emotionally uncomfortable while singing and performing.

  • Felt disconnected from the songs you were told to sing.

  • Found yourself “pushing through” without a sounding board to guide you.

  • Attempted to fill the gaps with a mixed tape of YouTube warmup tutorials.

  • Developed a mistrust of vocal coaches and mentors who never quite got your style or believed you had something to offer.

  • Understood the technique but struggled to navigate the industry or create your own performance opportunities.

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What if you could go from uncertain and insecure to radiant, confident, and commanding on stage?


  • Imagine having a repertoire of songs that fill you with joy to sing.

  • Knowing how to sing with vibrant spirit and individuality.

  • Knowing how to put together a band and communicate with other musicians.

  • Having the confidence to direct other musicians or tell a recording engineer exactly what you do and don’t like. 

  • Understanding insider language and how to navigate the Wild West of the music industry.

  • Never relying on auditions to get a chance to perform again!

  • Feeling like an accomplished, unstoppable performer.

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Muse Mentoring

Muse Mentoring

Muse Mentoring

The 6-month holistic mentorship program to help you improve your technique, uncover your authentic voice, and remove barriers preventing you from achieving your artistic potential.

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Muse Mentoring is practical voice coaching AND a transformational experience.

You’ll have a holistic experience where you’ll feel connected to your inner path so you can align your training with the voice you’re meant to have. It takes courage to pursue an artistic path, so I’ve created a container to support you through the uncertainties and the celebrations.

After clicking this button you’ll complete an easy questionnaire and grab a time on the calendar for a free 30-minute video call to discuss whether the program can help you with your goals.

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With Muse Mentoring, you get immediate access to:

12 Private Coaching Session

Flexible scheduling you can book at your convenience. (60 min sessions / 2x per month)

Personalized Strategy Session

Voice or performance assessment and program customization. 

Pocket Coaching

In-the-moment support via WhatsApp (24/7 access)

Weekly Check-ins

Progress and process check-ins for accountability.

Visionary Vault & Mentor Portal

Includes: 10 hours of pre-recorded content, warm-ups, detailed lesson notes, practice goals, repertoire lists, sheet music, session recordings, and personalized warm-ups. All downloadable and for keeps!

6-month Visionary Vocalist Membership

Includes: 30-minute Vocal Workout Sessions, Performance Opportunities (SongCircles), and rotating monthly classes like Yoga For Your Voice, Performance Energetics, and more!

Things Muse Mentees Have Gone On To Accomplish

✵ Wrote, recorded, and produced albums

✵ Hosted music salons

✵ Learned to improvise

✵ Launched voice teaching studios

✵ Formed new bands

✵ Presented album release concerts

✵ Booked dream gigs and roles

✵ Won singing competitions

✵ Recorded first EPs

✵ Mastered new styles

✵ Sung in jam sessions

✵ Wrote and performed solo shows

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How You’ll Channel Your Muse

We’ll work together to customize your journey, but here’s the blueprint you’ll start with.



We’ll start with a personalized strategy session to create your plan and set goals for the next six months. Together, we’ll reflect on where you are today and diagnose the blocks and disconnects in your voice. We’ll establish a baseline and your metrics for success. Most importantly, you’ll learn to tune into your capacity and listen to what your body is telling you.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes



Absorb new techniques and fresh perspectives you've been longing for. You’ll also develop a simple breathwork practice to help you discover your baseline and regulate your nervous system. The goal is to feel safe in your body so you can access more freedom and vulnerability that can increase your range and help you sing longer phrases with ease.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes



Release vocal tightness and free your voice with targeted techniques for your mind, body, and soul. You’ll address more than technique by learning to embrace imperfection and take risks that pay off. You’ll also learn to use movement to release tension and create space for new possibilities.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes



Find your unique voice and free yourself from comparisonitis with a holistic approach to invoking your inner muse. You’ll honor where you are today and visualize your future self through meditation and journal prompts.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes



Develop a sacred practice routine inspired by the goals you’ve set, that you’ll actually look forward to. Avoid a skills plateau by creating actionable habits and customized warm-ups that build your technique and boost your confidence.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes



Take the final steps toward a specific project or performance goal and refine your act. Learn to set aside your ego, overcome stage fright, and combat resistance so you can share your voice with the world.

+ Two private 60-minute coaching sessions
+ Access to Members-Only Live Classes

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Here’s what you can expect to learn based on your individual goals:



You'll learn

You'll learn

  • Breath Control

  • Technique (ex: vibrato, belting, placement, register shifts)

  • Pitch Accuracy

  • Ear Training


  • Finding Your Unique Voice

  • Style & Interpretation

  • Choosing Repertoire

  • Collaborations

  • Stage Presence

  • Anxiety Management

  • Microphone Technique

  • Musicality


  • Goal Setting and Tracking

  • Practice Strategies

  • Building Confidence

  • Vocal Health

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Invest In Your Dreams

“Whether making art is your career or your hobby or your dream, it is not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity.” — The Artist’s Way

6 payments of



One-Time Payment


After clicking this button you’ll complete an easy questionnaire and grab a time on the calendar for a free 30-minute video call to discuss whether the program can help you with your goals.

Hello beautiful soul,

I’m Kimberly Hawkey, Fairy Godmother to those who long to express beauty, self-worth, and joy through your voice.

The truth is, I didn’t always accept or nurture my voice…

After several difficult years of minimizing, resisting, and sabotaging my gifts, I had to learn to work from the ground up to restore my confidence and understand the value of vocal expression. As an active performer, I built my career by making a lot of mistakes onstage and behind the scenes. I eventually found my way, retrieved my artistic soul through the power of singing, and am devoted to helping others do the same.

Over the last 16 years, I’ve taught thousands of students who have gone on to have careers in the arts, write musicals, perform onstage, self-produce and release records, build audiences around their music, and cultivate more joy in their creative lives.

My promise to you as your mentor is to champion your vision, not dictate it.

Gold Medal
American Traditions Vocal Competition

Cabaret Showdown Champion

Johnny Mercer Award

B.S. in Music and Psychology from Fordham College at Lincoln Center

10 Years
Working with performing arts organizations in Booking, Fundraising, Production

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After Muse Mentoring you can put together your first solo show, record your first album, or simply reconnect with the joy of singing as a mode of transformative self-expression.

Curious about what Muse Mentorship looks like day-to-day?

Take a peek behind the velvet curtain.

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Muse Mentoring is right for you if…

  • You are committed to developing your most authentic voice for professional or personal reasons.

  • You want to connect with your inner muse and become a channel for daily inspiration and magic.

  • You are led by intuition and value authenticity, artistry, truth, and alignment above the need for reward.

  • You understand that progress is not linear and that all healthy cycles include both rest and expansion.

  • You have ideas that belong on a stage, in front of an audience, or on a recording for others to experience and enjoy.

  • You are at the forefront of change by inspiring others and uniting audiences around a shared love of music.

  • You love to use a variety of genres and time periods to transmit universally relevant stories about humankind.

  • You understand that physical, emotional, and artistic balance is the key to a joyful, and sustainable creative life.

Muse Mentoring

Muse Mentoring

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Muse Mentoring is not right for you if…

  • You’re not comfortable with self-evaluation and external feedback.

  • You’re not comfortable exploring insecurities or blocks holding you back.

  • You’re a casual shower singer with no desire to share your voice with the world.

  • You’re not motivated to put in the practice time to manifest your inner vision.

  • You don’t believe transformation manifests from the inside out.

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and an overnight music career.

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Forget the myth of perfection.


Audiences aren't looking for flawless robots; they crave vulnerability, raw truth, and to share in the warmth of artistic expression.

Muse Mentoring will help you unleash your artistic vision and find your true voice.

You’ll experience a feeling of greater self-worth and a buzzing, magnetic force field that attracts new opportunities that align with your deepest desires.


    • Click "Apply Now" to schedule a chat with Kimberly.

    • Complete a short questionnaire (5-10 minutes) to share your goals and needs.

    • Have a free 30-minute video call to discuss the program and see if it's a good fit.

    • Join Muse Mentoring! Receive information on payment, contracts, and getting started.

  • Muse Mentoring is designed for adult singers (18+) at the intermediate and advanced levels who want to become confident performers and develop their unique voice.

    However, please do contact me about programs for younger or beginner singers!

  • The program is highly customized to your goals, but in general:

    • Intermediate: Hone your technique, explore new styles, and gain valuable industry insights.

    • Advanced: Refine your artistry, receive guidance on navigating the music industry, and elevate your performance career.

  • The program offers a flexible structure to fit your lifestyle:

    • 2 hours of private coaching per month.

    • Up to 6 hours of live group classes (recordings available if you miss a session).

    • Unlimited WhatsApp check-ins with Kimberly for ongoing support.

    • 2-4 hours per week of dedicated practice (based on your goals and schedule).

  • Virtual calls: Google Meet (free software).

    Program portal: Google Drive for easy access.

    Pocket coaching: WhatsApp for convenient communication with Kimberly.

  • Absolutely! We offer flexible options:

    • Full program payment: $3,500.

    • 6 installments: $597 each.

    • Other arrangements: inquire about additional options.

  • You’ll receive a personal link where you can schedule all of your private sessions at your convenience, based on mutual availability.

    Scheduling is flexible and availability includes mornings, afternoons, and evenings on both weekends and weekdays.

    Kimberly’s exact availability may change from week to week to allow for her performance schedule. Efforts will be made to schedule a regular time if you prefer.

    A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required to cancel or reschedule appointments.

  • Group Classes are part of the Visionary Vocalist Membership and included in Muse Mentoring. Classes are announced monthly.

    The exact times and days rotate every month to accommodate a wide range of schedules and time zones.

    Most Group Classes are recorded and replays are sent to members who cannot attend live.

  • Some singers already have a voice teacher they adore and trust! I always welcome and encourage artists to learn from many teachers.

    With your teacher’s agreement, you may continue your technical work with them while focusing more on performance, style, artistry, and career within Muse Mentoring.

  • Yes! Targeting an audition, performance, or recording is a perfect way to leverage the program's training, goal setting, and accountability.

  • Yes! The 6-month program is a great start, but you can continue. The learning doesn’t have to end!

    We can continue for a year, or more, as long as the program continues to serve your needs.

    Some of Kimberly’s students have been with her for over 7 years.

  • Still want to know more? Email me at kimberly@visionaryvocalist.com.

    I'll be glad to help answer your remaining questions.

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Continue your journey with Muse Mentoring.

  • Feel more confident in your vocal abilities and individual sound.

  • Curate your repertoire with songs you’re ready to perform including keys, tempos, arrangements, and styles suited to your voice.

  • Develop an effective practice routine customized to your goals.

  • Sing with more truth, channeling authentic emotion and personality.

  • Improve your technique in your favorite genres.

  • Gain a more magnetic stage presence including better mic technique, audience connection, gestures, and movement.

  • Identify blocks and begin the journey of releasing them.

  • Feel free onstage and confident to improvise without fear.

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No more waiting in the wings.

Let’s explore your artistry together.

Muse Mentoring

Muse Mentoring

6-Month Mentorship Programming

12 Private Coaching Sessions (60 min / 2x per month)

Personalized Strategy Session

Pocket Coaching via WhatsApp (24/7 access)

Visionary Vault & Mentor Portal Resources

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

10 hours of Pre-Recorded Content & Masterclasses

6-Month Visionary Vocalist Membership

After clicking this button you’ll complete an easy questionnaire and grab a time on the calendar for a free 30-minute video call to discuss whether the program can help you with your goals.

 I am my own muse.

The subject I know best.

— Frida Kahlo